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Social Psychology Robert Baron Full Book Zip .pdf Download


Howdy folks. It's me, Optimal Lore. Today I'm going to be talking about one of the most fascinating text books I've read in my life, Social Psychology by Robert Baron. Now, there are a lot of topics that get discussed within the confines of this text book, but one that stuck out to me was cultural relativism and how different cultures look at things like color or gender roles. This is an interesting topic because it looks at how people behave differently in different cultures depending on what values are prominent in their society. Now I know what some of you are thinking, "Oh, guys are so relativistic. They'll say no matter how different the cultures are, everyone is equal." Well, let me tell you something dear reader dear you. If you think that, then stop reading this blog! Because if anyone's going to talk about cultural relativism they're going to talk about how cultures can be very different in their values and how those values can vary dramatically too. Furthermore, people differ not just in their society but also in the levels of their own cultural relativism. So that's it for today's blog! If you want to continue reading please keep on reading with an open mind. Cultural relativism is an interesting topic that's developed through the work of anthropologists and ethnographers. They've developed two types of cultural relativism: etic and emic. Etic is outsider, ethnographic view whereas emic is the insider, cultural view. Etic is looking at a culture from an outsider's view and develops theory about their behaviors using ethnographic data which includes the use of ethnographic interviews and participant observation among other things. Emic on the other hand is looking at your own culture from your own perspective as if you're the insider looking inwards on your own society. This allows us to notice things when we look at our own culture that when you study other people's culture you can't see. Every society has assumptions about their own society that are taken for granted. For example, in the United States, when there are professional sports games you'll often hear people say "Oh, I'm going to go watch my team play." When they say this they mean that they're going to go and watch their favorite sports team play against another team. However, if we took a society where there were no sports teams and we said the exact same thing the meaning would be totally different. In this example, wouldn't they be saying "I'm going to go and watch the game my favorite team plays against another team and hope that we win." This is an interesting topic because it looks at how people behave differently in different cultures depending on what values are prominent in their society. For instance, many cultures frown upon women's education and wearing short skirts. On the other hand, many cultures appreciate education and encourage women to wear short skirts. However, that doesn't mean that both societies don't have their place; it just means that they rely on different assumptions about fashion. cfa1e77820


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